Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Question 1

How is lightning created?

There is around sixteen million lightning storms around the world a year,but how do they form? Well first of all lightning is an atmospheric discharge that is followed by thunder.You may think lightning is formed because its raining or thundering, but that's not how. Lightning can occur in ash clouds when there is a volcanic eruption or a very violent forest fire. A forest fire would cause sufficient dust to create a static charge. Another way lightning is created is by water freezing to hail inside of a cloud, then being blown in the wind. The wind smashes the hail together, separating positive and negative charges. When there are enough negative charges lightning will be formed and strike the tallest thing near it. It is still a debate on how all of this actually creates lightning, but it does.

I got this info from


  1. Along with the different way lightning is created different types of types of lightning is created such as ball lightning click here to see ball lightning.

  2. I like this question. Another theory is that the positive and negative energies pull apart quickly. The negative goes down and positive up.

  3. You need cold air and warm air. When they meet, the warm air goes up. It makes thunderstorm clouds! The cold air has ice crystals. The warm air has water droplets. During the storm, the droplets and crystals bump together and move apart in the air. This rubbing makes static electrical charges in the clouds.
